tisdag 8 augusti 2017

What is a soul sucking enterprise..?

Was listening on a podcast of Mad Fientist where Mr Money Mustache is interviewed, a good show. I think he describes it very well and interesting.

21:10 ”A job is kind of a soul sucking enterprise especially if it’s not the perfect job for you. So all of your creative energy goes into that. So once you quit it, I find anyway and a couple of people in the same situation that your creative energy and your skills kind of come out of the woodwork and then all of a sudden you find yourself doing stuff that you didn’t have time to do before and then you know it takes on a life of its own cause you’re not too worried about the money and then you know, you end up with neat new carries you’d never would have thought of. And just since you and I are both writing blogs now, that’s an example in itself. Like I’d never thought I would be a writer of any sort. I mean I enjoy writing and reading and blablabla, all of a sudden this thing has become super addictive and I love writing and now my blog is maybe even a bigger job than the carpentry was because it kind of taken off in a sense. And the fact that the blog even started making money which I never expected. Yea so a bunch of unexpected and fun stuff happens when you stop working for a living, that’s the real key, makes your life a lot more of an adventure, which I like." – Mr. Money Mustache – Early Retirement, Mad Fientist Podcast, Episode 1”
//Be aware of your spending more than your income and understand where happiness comes from //
26:30 “Make sure you are thinking about your spending even more than your income and you know by understanding what happiness means and helping to decouple the idea of happiness from owning certain things you can really amaze yourself of how fun your life can be because really the whole secret to living a rich life is not feeling like you need more than you already have. Otherwise your are just gonna be always craving more and more until you get to the Gulfstream G50 jet and then you realize, now I have everything but I’m still not happy, crap. And that’s because happiness does not get increased by buying stuff. So learn about happiness, read books about happiness, that’s number 1 advice, cause that will help you spend a lot less, cause all of a sudden it will kill so many of you material desires and then you’ll be so much happier.” – Mr. Money Mustache
//Ride a bike principle //
27:45 “My golden rule is that everybody has to ride a bike, which is almost a little related to the happiness thing because like, a bike is like this distilled essence of life where you know you get where you wanna go, you get fitness, you get socialization, nature, you get badassity in the sense you get tougher. And you’re forced to deal with nature. A bike is like a micro cosmos of leading a good life and it also saves you a ton of money so. Basically if you lead a life and you are an able body person and you’re not riding a bike, there’s something wrong in your life and you got to fix that. And you know, that’s kind of like funny because it sound so shallow but it’s actually pretty deep. Basically if you can get to enjoy leading riding a bike all the time then you’re probably on the right path to leading a happy and financial independent life.” – Mr. Money Mustache

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