fredag 23 oktober 2015

About critical thinking and changing values, Excerp from J. Flynn and S. Molyneux video

Swedish first:
Om att vi måste förändra våra värderingar (att inte bli infekterade av prylmani, militarism och kulten av popularitet). Om att skaffa sig en oberoende åsikt och uppskatta människor som kan tänka för sig själva (som framförallt orkar tänka abstrakt!) och inte blint (dumt) är medgörliga i viljan att lyssna på majoritetens media (ofta känslostyrd). Om att hitta nyckeln till att släppa vårt sinne fritt. (liberation of the mind)
Excerpt from: Human Intelligence: The Flynn Effect | Dr. James Flynn and Stefan Molyneux
Excerpt from: Human Intelligence: The Flynn Effect | Dr. James Flynn and Stefan Molyneux
PGHÅ nr243: 24 okt- 2015:

Human Intelligence: The Flynn Effect | Dr. James Flynn and Stefan Molyneux

36:30 “Some of the many wonderful ideas that you can use to give yourself a Mental Toolkit do come from philosophy but quite a few of them comes from other sciences. I mean, knowing what a market is a wonderful instrument. That is; knowing how a market operates.”  – Dr. James Flynn

1:09:42 “Well the ancients were right, they said: you can’t be infected by materialism, militarism or the cult of popularity. If you measure human beings in terms of their number of possessions, if you measure human beings just in terms of whether they´re tractable and go along with what everyone thinks. If you measure human beings in thrilling to the fact that you are a nation can push anyone else around on the international scene, you overlook what is really the purpose and that is the liberation of the mind. Chekhov says man is what he thinks and all my life I´ve wanted to get the intellectual equipment so I could liberate my mind to have an independent opinion about the great events and great problems of the world.” – Dr. James Flynn
//Chekhov = Anton Chekhov //
1:11:10 “There has to be a change in values, people have to measure their society in terms of the number of people who can think for themselves, about ethics, and about nationalism and about racism. And measure it less in terms of whether people can afford private airplanes.” – Dr. James Flynn
1:11:50 “That’s the cult of popularity, you shouldn’t want to be famous, you should want to be in control of your own mind and your own life.” – Dr. James Flynn
1:12:40 “We remember most those who bring us the greatest gift and it´s rarely politicians, and I think it mostly is the abstract thinkers who really help us to understand our self and the world.” – Stefan Molyneux