söndag 27 augusti 2017

Best quotes from Marcus Tullius Cicero

Opened up my eyes for Cicero quotes.. I like these.. 

"What then is freedom? The power to live as one wishes." - Marcus Tullius Cicero

"Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues, but the parent of all the others." - Marcus Tullius Cicero

"Nothing is more noble, nothing more venerable than fidelity. Faithfulness and truth are the most sacred excellences and endowments of the human mind." Marcus Tullius Cicero

"A friend is, as it were, a second self." - Marcus Tullius Cicero

"To be ignorant of what occurred before you were born is to remain always a child." Marcus Tullius Cicero

6:40 “I’m really following a very key idea of the greatest lawyer of antiquity Marcus Tullius Cicero. Cicero is famous for saying “A man who doesn’t know what happened before he’s born goes through life like a child”. That is a very correct idea of Cicero and he’s right. To ridicule somebody so foolish as not to know what happened before he was born. But if you generalize Cicero as I think one should there all this other things that you should know in addition to history. And those other things are the big ideas and all the other disciplines. And it doesn’t help you just to know them enough so you can prattle them back on an exam and get an A. You have to learn these things in such a way that they are a mental lattice work in your head and you automatically use them for the rest of your life. If you do that I solemnly promise you that one day you’ll be walking down the street and look to your right and left and you’ll think my heavenly days I’m now one of the few most competent people of my whole age cohort.” – Charlie Munger, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1EMkanyz5Y

"It is the peculiar quality of a fool to perceive the faults of others and to forget his own." Marcus Tullius Cicero

"The enemy is within the gates; it is with our own luxury, our own folly, our own criminality that we have to contend." Marcus Tullius Cicero

"Cultivation to the mind is as necessary as food to the body." Marcus Tullius Cicero

"The function of wisdom is to discriminate between good and evil." Marcus Tullius Cicero

fredag 25 augusti 2017

Happiness leads to freedom?

Another nice interview from Madfientist, from episode nr.36.


35:10 ”When I started down this path I used to think that freedom or more specifically financial independence leads to happiness, and I think it can but I think it’s reversed. I think happiness leads to freedom. And the reason I know this is because I know a lot of people that are financial independent, they are a 100 percent miserably. They’re lonely, they’re anxious, they’re fearful but they’re free and financial independence is not the end goal. Happiness is the end goal. So we need to always keep that in mind. You need to internalize that message. Happiness leads to freedom and to be honest it’s not that expensive to become happy. I mean you can cultivate happiness in your life with really simple things that write about, like gratitude, getting rid of negatives from your life. Decluttering all the physical things you don’t need, and your mental baggage and obligations. Like I said, stop watching news, you know, just walk, meditate, those things don’t cost anything but they’ll make you happy and happiness is freedom. You have to practice, it’s a skill, happiness is definitely a skill. It’s not something we just blunder into for the most part.” – Jeff, The happy philosopher, #36 – The Happy Philosopher – Semiretirement and Finding Happiness

onsdag 16 augusti 2017

Money is simply put the life energy, the hours you trade for it.. - Vicky Robin

In this podcast Vicky Robin is interview. She's well known for us who have read "Your Money or Your Life", a great book (she and  Joe Dominguez wrote a while ago..). We also get to know that she's working on an update of the book. :)

 This is from Episode #34:

27:15 ”The population has been so confused by this fundamentally, this huge experiment and propaganda of like dirtying or minds with ideas that rationally doesn’t make any sense. That, the mind is confused.” – Vicky Robin

48:15 ”Money is simply the life energy, the hours you trade for it.
The transformational core.. So people become natural savers.
“It’s basically an experimental process of buying something and asking yourself is this worth the life energy? It’s a process of being conscious in your relation with the material world and I think that is another transformal step, you take your expenses and you put them into categories, tell yourself the truth about yourself you know yea, drug habit, I don’t know if it’s in the food category but you know a third of my money is going to my drug habit. You discover that, you stop telling yourself lies. Actually concretely thinking about where each of these expenses fits. In a pattern that is your life, it’s not a budget book pattern, it’s patterns derived from your life. And then for each of these steps you ask yourself does core questions, does it make me happy? Is it in service to anything that I think is important. And you know, would I be spending this money this way if I didn’t have to work for a living? That piece is if I could just deliver that piece in all its glory. I think that I trust that the rest works out.
” - Author Vicki Robin

51:10 “Build your ark that will float your boat for the rest of your life and that there are basically I call it 4 pillows of wealth. One of which is involves money, but the other 3 I call it an ark because “A” is for your abilities so you take it out of the money economy and a do it yourself economy. There are also skills that you can sell or trade if you B, so basically building those skills whether it be website design or you know. Whatever those skills are you know coaching people on you know on success." - Vicky Robin 

52:00 "Investing in those skills that would both make your life happier, less expensive and valuable to others, efficiency, it’s tradable or money. That’s a big part of if. I wanna live with people that can do stuff, who are competent and just don’t flap their arms when anything goes wrong. Try to figure out what person I should call to fix it for me. So your abilities is part of your kit. Part of your financial independence.
And then the “R” is for relationships, and you know loneliness is epidemic. And loneliness is expensive because there’s a range of things that you gonna do that cost you money. You know, your Yoga work shop, your therapy, to you know like your bar tab, hahah.
” - Author Vicki Robin

53:00 “It’s like you know, it’s expensive to be lonely. And so I think consciously building and repairing your closest relationships, people who will take care of you over time.” - Author Vicki Robin

53:30 “Community as currency”“Your relationship with the intimate people who will show up for you in times of need , your friends indeed, otherwise you are going to have to use all kinds of insurance to survive because you’re gonna have old age insurance and you’re going to have your sickness care insurance and you know turn to the insurance industry to assure yourself to things that people used to provide for one and other.” – Vicky Robin

54:15 “And then the “K” is the hard C in community. I wished it worked better but it doesn’t so.. The Ark, and community is different from your relationships. Your relationship is the intimate people who show up to you. Community is “what is the social safety net”, “can I grow food”, “is there water”, you know it’s like your place on earth, you know, what grows here, what is the climate like, are there community organizations where people tend to one another. It’s choosing and building and participating in a real place on the planet. I think that’s important. And then as if for your stuff, you know, is it durable? Are you transforming things that are flows, like I gotta upgrade my computer every 2-years . To things that are your stockpile, you know, the things that will last longer than you will. That can be put in the grave with you, like the ancient did with their gold. And so basically that’s a piece, I wanna draw people’s attention to becoming a competent connected human is a piece of your security, and it’s maybe a bigger piece of your security than your final assets, which is your savings.” – Vicky Robin

56:55 “And I’m also redefining financial independence really is having choice in your life about where you put your life energy.” – Vicky Robin 

Episote podcast by http://www.madfientist.com/podcast/

#34 – Your Money or Your Life – An Interview with Author Vicki Robin

måndag 14 augusti 2017

What is Jim Carrey doing now? Paint

De flesta har nog undrat vart Jim Carrey tog vägen. Det visar sig att han håller på och målar nu. Och det ser riktigt intressant ut! Nedanstående citat är från en kort dokumentär (Jim Carrey: I Needed Color) som ligger på Vimeo.
Jag fick upp ögonen för Jim för något år sedan då jag skrev det här på systersiten Levafri.
Från Vimeovideo med Jim Carrey där han målar: https://vimeo.com/226379658

2:00 “I like the independence of it. I love the freedom of it, no one else tells you can or can’t do, most of the time. And there’s a mediums to it. Our past has to be served, it’s like you servicing… there’s a conscious and at the same time you are doing something that someone is going to relate to, hopefully.” – Jim Carrey (lite svårt att höra vad had han säger ibland, kan ha misstolkat)

3:30 “When your heart is in love you’re floating weightless but when you lose that love you have to reenter the atmosphere and it can get pretty rough. You’re just bouncing of one molecule on to the next, ripping through them at such a pace that they just ignite and explode. Until you find another heart that is doing the same thing, has landed and cooled, and then you start to float again.” – Jim Carrey

05:35 “You know the bottom line with all of this whether its performance or it’s art or it’s sculpture is love. We wanna show ourselves and have that be accepted. I love being alive and the art is the evidence of that.” – Jim Carrey

Jim Carrey: I Needed Color from JC on Vimeo.

tisdag 8 augusti 2017

What is a soul sucking enterprise..?

Was listening on a podcast of Mad Fientist where Mr Money Mustache is interviewed, a good show. I think he describes it very well and interesting.

21:10 ”A job is kind of a soul sucking enterprise especially if it’s not the perfect job for you. So all of your creative energy goes into that. So once you quit it, I find anyway and a couple of people in the same situation that your creative energy and your skills kind of come out of the woodwork and then all of a sudden you find yourself doing stuff that you didn’t have time to do before and then you know it takes on a life of its own cause you’re not too worried about the money and then you know, you end up with neat new carries you’d never would have thought of. And just since you and I are both writing blogs now, that’s an example in itself. Like I’d never thought I would be a writer of any sort. I mean I enjoy writing and reading and blablabla, all of a sudden this thing has become super addictive and I love writing and now my blog is maybe even a bigger job than the carpentry was because it kind of taken off in a sense. And the fact that the blog even started making money which I never expected. Yea so a bunch of unexpected and fun stuff happens when you stop working for a living, that’s the real key, makes your life a lot more of an adventure, which I like." – Mr. Money Mustache – Early Retirement, Mad Fientist Podcast, Episode 1”
//Be aware of your spending more than your income and understand where happiness comes from //
26:30 “Make sure you are thinking about your spending even more than your income and you know by understanding what happiness means and helping to decouple the idea of happiness from owning certain things you can really amaze yourself of how fun your life can be because really the whole secret to living a rich life is not feeling like you need more than you already have. Otherwise your are just gonna be always craving more and more until you get to the Gulfstream G50 jet and then you realize, now I have everything but I’m still not happy, crap. And that’s because happiness does not get increased by buying stuff. So learn about happiness, read books about happiness, that’s number 1 advice, cause that will help you spend a lot less, cause all of a sudden it will kill so many of you material desires and then you’ll be so much happier.” – Mr. Money Mustache
//Ride a bike principle //
27:45 “My golden rule is that everybody has to ride a bike, which is almost a little related to the happiness thing because like, a bike is like this distilled essence of life where you know you get where you wanna go, you get fitness, you get socialization, nature, you get badassity in the sense you get tougher. And you’re forced to deal with nature. A bike is like a micro cosmos of leading a good life and it also saves you a ton of money so. Basically if you lead a life and you are an able body person and you’re not riding a bike, there’s something wrong in your life and you got to fix that. And you know, that’s kind of like funny because it sound so shallow but it’s actually pretty deep. Basically if you can get to enjoy leading riding a bike all the time then you’re probably on the right path to leading a happy and financial independent life.” – Mr. Money Mustache

måndag 7 augusti 2017

Proven success principles that you work on every day..

Hi! Just saw a video of Brian Tracy. I think he's really good at boiling it down to what matters. To make things simple but not too simple. Down below are some quotes from the video.

Swedish: Om man verkligen vill att någon teknik eller metod ska fungera för en måste man arbeta på dem dagligen..
//Om självförtroende, att acceptera ansvar, att arbeta med sig själv och lära sig de saker som du behöver veta för att bli bättre. Sätta mål med tidsbegränsning och att dagligen arbeta med med metoder och principer som vi i grunden tror på. //

Hope you enjoy it as much as I do! :)

How to rid yourself of limits and accomplish more. (with Brian Tracy)

Your level of self-confidence is probably the critical factor in everything you accomplish. When you have enough self-confidence you’ll try almost anything. Because success is largely a matter of averages or probabilities, the more things you try the more likely there is that you will achieve greatly. They same is true for you, by setting goals, trying new things, engaging in more activities and exploring more opportunities your probabilities of success increase dramatically. The only real limiting step that you might have is your level of self-confidence. When you reach the point that you believe in yourself absolutely, the barriers in your external world will not stop you. The major obstacles to success always lie within the mind of the individual. They are not contained in external circumstances, or situations or people. By building self-confidence you win the inner battle. The outer battle seems to care of itself.” – Brian Tracy 

"I’ve learned 3 important ideas for building self confidence.
First, accept complete responsibility for yourself and for everything that you are and ever will be.
Second, accept that you can change your situation only by going to work on yourself and learning the things that you need know in order to be better.
Third, setting goals with timelines for the things that you want and then working on them everyday to bring those goals into reality build your self-confidence.
Our actual tendencies to work hard until we find a method or technique that works for us whether in life or relationships and then some prefers for reasons we probably abandon the technique the method that works and we go back to behaving in our old way. In a random and haphazard manner. 
If you expect it to really work for you then you have to practice it persistently, every day. And keep at it indefinitely.” – Brian Tracy 
When I began to apply this proven success principles to my life and worked on them every day I was able to bring on almost miracles changes in every area of my life and far faster than I thought possible.” – Brian Tracy

Whatever we expect with confidence becomes our own self-fulfilling prophecy.