måndag 7 augusti 2017

Proven success principles that you work on every day..

Hi! Just saw a video of Brian Tracy. I think he's really good at boiling it down to what matters. To make things simple but not too simple. Down below are some quotes from the video.

Swedish: Om man verkligen vill att någon teknik eller metod ska fungera för en måste man arbeta på dem dagligen..
//Om självförtroende, att acceptera ansvar, att arbeta med sig själv och lära sig de saker som du behöver veta för att bli bättre. Sätta mål med tidsbegränsning och att dagligen arbeta med med metoder och principer som vi i grunden tror på. //

Hope you enjoy it as much as I do! :)

How to rid yourself of limits and accomplish more. (with Brian Tracy)

Your level of self-confidence is probably the critical factor in everything you accomplish. When you have enough self-confidence you’ll try almost anything. Because success is largely a matter of averages or probabilities, the more things you try the more likely there is that you will achieve greatly. They same is true for you, by setting goals, trying new things, engaging in more activities and exploring more opportunities your probabilities of success increase dramatically. The only real limiting step that you might have is your level of self-confidence. When you reach the point that you believe in yourself absolutely, the barriers in your external world will not stop you. The major obstacles to success always lie within the mind of the individual. They are not contained in external circumstances, or situations or people. By building self-confidence you win the inner battle. The outer battle seems to care of itself.” – Brian Tracy 

"I’ve learned 3 important ideas for building self confidence.
First, accept complete responsibility for yourself and for everything that you are and ever will be.
Second, accept that you can change your situation only by going to work on yourself and learning the things that you need know in order to be better.
Third, setting goals with timelines for the things that you want and then working on them everyday to bring those goals into reality build your self-confidence.
Our actual tendencies to work hard until we find a method or technique that works for us whether in life or relationships and then some prefers for reasons we probably abandon the technique the method that works and we go back to behaving in our old way. In a random and haphazard manner. 
If you expect it to really work for you then you have to practice it persistently, every day. And keep at it indefinitely.” – Brian Tracy 
When I began to apply this proven success principles to my life and worked on them every day I was able to bring on almost miracles changes in every area of my life and far faster than I thought possible.” – Brian Tracy

Whatever we expect with confidence becomes our own self-fulfilling prophecy.

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