fredag 25 augusti 2017

Happiness leads to freedom?

Another nice interview from Madfientist, from episode nr.36.

35:10 ”When I started down this path I used to think that freedom or more specifically financial independence leads to happiness, and I think it can but I think it’s reversed. I think happiness leads to freedom. And the reason I know this is because I know a lot of people that are financial independent, they are a 100 percent miserably. They’re lonely, they’re anxious, they’re fearful but they’re free and financial independence is not the end goal. Happiness is the end goal. So we need to always keep that in mind. You need to internalize that message. Happiness leads to freedom and to be honest it’s not that expensive to become happy. I mean you can cultivate happiness in your life with really simple things that write about, like gratitude, getting rid of negatives from your life. Decluttering all the physical things you don’t need, and your mental baggage and obligations. Like I said, stop watching news, you know, just walk, meditate, those things don’t cost anything but they’ll make you happy and happiness is freedom. You have to practice, it’s a skill, happiness is definitely a skill. It’s not something we just blunder into for the most part.” – Jeff, The happy philosopher, #36 – The Happy Philosopher – Semiretirement and Finding Happiness

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