måndag 14 augusti 2017

What is Jim Carrey doing now? Paint

De flesta har nog undrat vart Jim Carrey tog vägen. Det visar sig att han håller på och målar nu. Och det ser riktigt intressant ut! Nedanstående citat är från en kort dokumentär (Jim Carrey: I Needed Color) som ligger på Vimeo.
Jag fick upp ögonen för Jim för något år sedan då jag skrev det här på systersiten Levafri.
Från Vimeovideo med Jim Carrey där han målar: https://vimeo.com/226379658

2:00 “I like the independence of it. I love the freedom of it, no one else tells you can or can’t do, most of the time. And there’s a mediums to it. Our past has to be served, it’s like you servicing… there’s a conscious and at the same time you are doing something that someone is going to relate to, hopefully.” – Jim Carrey (lite svårt att höra vad had han säger ibland, kan ha misstolkat)

3:30 “When your heart is in love you’re floating weightless but when you lose that love you have to reenter the atmosphere and it can get pretty rough. You’re just bouncing of one molecule on to the next, ripping through them at such a pace that they just ignite and explode. Until you find another heart that is doing the same thing, has landed and cooled, and then you start to float again.” – Jim Carrey

05:35 “You know the bottom line with all of this whether its performance or it’s art or it’s sculpture is love. We wanna show ourselves and have that be accepted. I love being alive and the art is the evidence of that.” – Jim Carrey

Jim Carrey: I Needed Color from JC on Vimeo.

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