lördag 27 oktober 2012

Love poem lyrics by Mary Carolyn Davies, Why Do I Love You?

This is a really nice songtext, really showing what happy love is.

In the lyrics of "Why Do I Love You?" Mary Carolyn Davies sings the following:

Love poem lyrics from song Why Do I Love You, by Mary Carolyn Davies
Why do I love you? The Love Poem Board can be shared with other as long as you give a link to mindsimplicity.blogspot.com

I have not heard the song however..

I found the song from Mr W. Clemens Stone when he mentions it in one of his books
The Love Poem board contains:
Lyric by Mary Carolyn Davies:

"I love you not only for what you are,
but for what I am when I am with you.

I love you, not only for what you have made of yourself,
but for what you are making of me.

I love you for ignoring the possibilities
of the fool in me and for laying firm hold
on the possibilities of the good in me. "

Good relationship are the foundation for success

Wisdom nr18, in Swedish

A new wisdom board with the swedish language.. Number 18.

Wisdom nr 18, use for free if you add a link to this site

fredag 26 oktober 2012

Inspiration board nr16 (mostly Swedish)

This is a inspiration board that I have done, using wise words from smart people.

Nr 16:

Wisdom Quotes, example from Napoleon Hill and Henry Ford (Swedish)
Wisdom Quotes, for example from Napoleon Hill and Henry Ford. Contact me if you wish to get ´"high quality" printable picture

 ------------ The board contains the following --------------
Health is Wealth

Be not Afraid

”Jag är min egen lyckas smed, herre över mitt eget öde” -Henry Ford
Kapten Archibald Haddock

(en råbarkad man, men med ett gott hjärta)

"stormar och orkaner", "anfäkta och anamma", "bomber och granater" och "riv mina råsegel".

Nedan från Napoleon Hill:

Alla bedrifter, alla rikedomar har sitt ursprung i en idé” – Napoleon Hill

Innan man lyckas får man räkna med många tillfälliga misslyckanden

”Framgång kommer till den som är framgångsmedveten.

En enda sund idé är allt som krävs för framgång.”

När rikedomarna kommer, kommer de i sådan fart och i sådant överflöd, att man undrar var de hållit sig gömda alla dessa tomma år.”

måndag 22 oktober 2012

Book: John Diamond, Your Body Doesn´t Lie

Mr Kay Pollak, a swedish famous film director talks about a lectures called John Diamond in his book “Att välja glädje” (to choose happiness). This is a very good book by the way.

Mr Pollak recommends the book:

John Diamond - Your Body Doesn't Lie

Among other things Kay mentions that the book reveals the view that pornography is misogynist (kvinnoförakt).

I have not read the book, but I will se if I can get my hands on a copy. I will get back with short review when I have read it.

John Diamond, Your Body Doesn´t Lie (Book)
Picture from: http://www.amazon.com/Your-Body-Doesnt-John-Diamond/dp/0446358479
Have you read it? Please give me your view of it? Is it worth reading?

The first post...

In this site I will try to write in english (I am a Swedish guy). I will do my best, please feel free to correct my spellings other comments you might have. The site will be about the incredible human mind with a mix of simplicity.

I am not shure if I only will write about Personal development and Self-Help, but perhaps some other stuff in my life.

Hope you enjoy it :-)