Time for some Quotes that I like, hope you like it! :-)
Click for a bigger picture. Inspiration / Wisdom board number 155. Live Aboard Quotes and so on |
------ From: http://www.macnaughtongroup.com/living.htm
“Living Aboard” by Tom and Nan MacNaughton ------
“It is easier to adapt to life without complex systems than it is to keep complex systems functioning on a boat.”
“[...] start with the simplest possible boat and then add complexities.”
“[...] everything you add takes something away”
“Long term living aboard seems to be a long process of slowing down, simplifying lifestyle and technology, reducing dependence on outside assistance, learning respect for and cooperation with Nature, and reducing the need for money. “
“[...] we will just summarize by saying that simplicity, economy, mobility, and small boats equal freedom the likes of which is seldom seen today. “
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“So why clutter up your already cramped boat with gadgets that (1) you don't need in the first place and (2) you can't repair when they let you down? Their advice that, if you can't fix it then it probably shouldn't be on the boat, is some of the sagest crusing wisdom around.” - Ryan McNabb reviews the book: Cost Conscious Cruiser
“It takes a lot of courage, brains and efforts not to give in to those consumer urges driven into us from birth.” - Jesse K on s/v Smitty
“ Line one for the voyaging sailor, If I want something and I don’t have it, I don’t need it.” - POSTED BY STORMY IN SAILING BLOG http://artofhookie.org/2015/01/05/keeping-up-with-the-joneses-2/
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From: Living Big In A Tiny House: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VckbqU4kK2I&index=2&list=PL999ZDYL8QbTqnT8PZshZzJa7tat-Vdcj
15:45: ”Being self-sustainable, not relying on a system that tends to tie you to the system. Not paying out every week, every single week you gotto find those 300 bucks or whatever, every single week so somebody else can sit and build a nest egg, and made it ok to do it to each other, and I don’t like that idea. I think if you are renting, you should be renting to buy. I want my own place so that I don’t fall into their problem. Now, here in New Zealind we have a big problem with people who can’t afford a house, who will never own a house.. so why dont they build a little place and start to save money , then they can buy their land, and they can move their little microhouse on to the land. Then they can start saving money, because they are not paying out rent every week (big smile). Then they can save money and actually build their own house. So they could have it all, but you need to start right. As opposed to living in a economic surf that just drains everything, all your effort, gone. And I´ll never own a normal home, cause I refuse to get a mortgage, and put myself thru that. So this is the way out. You can build it slowly, feed it, people around you, you´ll make it happen.” - Brett Sutherland, New Zealand, Living in a selfbuilt Tiny House, have lived on boat also.
//nest-egg, perhaps Brett thinks of, "The Goose and the Golden Egg"?//
A substantial sum of money that has been saved or invested for a specific purpose.” - källa: http://www.investopedia.com/terms/n/nestegg.asp